This month of February marks the 40th anniversary of the Iranian revolution of 1979, which overthrew the Pahlavi dynasty, whose last representative is Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. Ayatollah Khomeini then ...
Wars and global warming are not often the subject of common reflection. However, today the issue of environmental problems of armed conflicts is at the center of more and more ...
François Hollande, French president, declares in 2014 that Tunisia represents “the hope of the Arab world”. This country doesn’t cease to create the surprise – and sometimes the discontent – ...
The controversial leader of the PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) is still nowadays an inspirational figure for the Palestinian people. Considered as the father of the Palestinian national movement, when we ...
The city of Hebron, located south of Bethlehem, is the largest city in the West Bank with around 215 000 palestinians people. I spend 3 weeks in this city, so i’m ...
UN warns about the Yemen’s war and declares that’s it’s the « worse humanitarian crisis in the world”. Nevertheless, despite warnings, this war continues to escalate. We hear about this conflict ...
Death penalty may be considered in the case of fatal accident on the road if the investigation proves that the death was deliberately caused. This is what the government proposes ...