On October 27, 2019, United States President Donald Trump addressed the nation announcing that ISIS leader Abu Bakr – Al Baghdadi had been killed in a raid by United Special ...
The rise of progressive politics in the United States, like the rise of every populist movement to have ever happened, stems from the rise to fix trouble at home. Indeed, ...
It is no secret that the American war in Afghanistan has been a complete failure. After 18 years the Taliban are still around. So, the question remains, why did America ...
On March 23, 1983, the then United States President Ronald Reagan addressed the nation on Defense and National Security, in which he announced his signature Strategic Defense Initiative, stating, “I ...
The recent calls by Israel to annex the Jordan Valley pose a danger to the Middle East peace process, as it would be in direct violation of United Nations resolution ...
Historical events often create a lasting legacy in the subconscious of the general society that was affected by the event, even generations after it happened. What happened in Columbus, New ...
The United States needs a new strategy. No one seems to be aware as to what its foreign policy objectives are, not even Washington policymakers themselves. As with any other ...
America needs a new strategy. The old way is collapsing as new superpowers emerge into the world. In order for the United States to stay afloat, it has to make ...
America is changing. Europe is no longer the primary origin of immigrants to the United States. America is transforming itself from a majority white country into a country of mixed ...
“Build a wall! Build a wall!” This chant is echoed throughout the room at every single MAGA rally across the United States. The call for a wall between the United ...