As civil rights groups continue to battle for the rights of people all across the world, there is one group that continues to be left out: People on the autism ...
The Nagorno-Karabakh War is remembered for its surprise victory of the underdog, Armenia, over the perceived winner, Azerbaijan. There are many reasons as to why: Azerbaijan has large oil reserves ...
Academia is considered one of the most prestigious institutions on the planet, and is considered to be an institution of utter perfection, and that, it if weren’t for what it ...
The United States is in need of economic recovery. Many parts of the country has been in decline since after the Second World War. Sove have even been in Simple ...
Two Revolutions occurred that fundamentally altered the course of the history of the West. The American Revolution and the Revolutions of 1848. But, while there are some similarities, there are ...
Launched by America, the war in Afghanistan is at a turning point. People born after September 11, 2001, are now being deployed there. Peace negotiations continue, but with little impact. ...
In January 2019, the whole world watched as a new United States Congress was sworn in. One thing that one was able to take notice was all the new faces ...
John Fitzgerald Kennedy is seen to many Americans as an icon. To many conspiracy theorists he is seen as their martyr; a man who was about to expose the crimes ...
Zimbabwe is on the brink of turmoil. Election fraud, fuel riots, and hyperinflation still being a problem, the country is seemingly tearing itself apart. But it is not just the ...
Jimmy Carter is often portrayed by modern American Progressives as a man who championed peace and human rights. Indeed, since he left office in 1981, he has been involved in ...