Due to political crisis, Michel Temer announced that won’t participate of G20 meeting, provided to be on 7th and 8th of July in Hamburg, Germany.
By Fabrício Barbosa
Brazil has getting international attention on recent months due to its political crisis since Dilma Rousseff’s Impeachment. Unconcluded the political debates if the process was or not a coup, the fact is that Michel Temer achieved the Presidence, but the Car Wash Operation, the same that was used to incriminate Workers Party e others policymakers, kept going with his jobs and now it knocks on President’s door.

Audio Tape, Corruption and Empeachment
Recently, an audio between the President and Joesley Batista, an influent CEO in Brazil, was publicized, and since then many vicissitudes appeared on Michel Temer’s government. In this audio, the President says to the CEO to keep paying bribe to Eduardo Cunha – the ex-Lower House President that started Dilma Roussef’s Impeachment and that’s arrested now – to keep his silence under Car Wash Operation. The impact of this divulgation was imediate: some Government Ministers resigned of their charges and some public manifestations urged in whole country, some of them, in Brasília, were even violent. The President act is classified as a responsability crime, that can results in impeachment as brazilian Constitution says on its 85º article.
Negative impact on Brazilian Economy
Despite it, Rodrigo Maia, the actual Lower House President, who can starts the impeachment process, supports Michel Temer, and he already said that he won’t open the process now.
The fact is that brazilian people is facing a very complicated situation, that both solutions generates more confusion for other countries and investors, that are afraid to invest in Brazil, what keep blocking the economic growth: The first one is to urge to the impeachment, what could results in a undirect election among National Congress policymakers, that can even results in unsatisfaction by people, and the second one is to accept Michel Temer at presidence, what keeps the political instability.
Why the G20?
The G20 priorities are the regulamentation of international finances and the search for the economic growth, and the meeting of this year can be renovating due the fact of many governments around the World suffered changes since last year, and their mainstream acts too. The World is still recuperating of 2008 Crisis, and Brazil is country that is giving signs of it just now, so Michel Temer presence is important to Brazil.
Last year, Michel Temer went to G20 in China right after assume the presidence, and now, avoiding exposure and more critics about the political crisis, he announced on Wednesday, 28 of June, that he won’t go to the event. This can be a precipitaded decision, and he still can change his opinion about it until the event, but it’s almost sure that he won’t go.
The brazilian economy is returning to its development, but unemployment is still high, something closer to 14% of population, and the government is trying to make some reforms on Labor Law and Social Security, what puts the people in a situation of very unsatisfaction with Michel Temer.
Despite it, people seems to opte for the second option and to keep him on presidence, trying to avoid more instability on economics, that has having great results on last months, but the fact is that the brazilian people wish of a new election, that will happens only in October of 2018, is similar to the wish at the end of the Dictatorial Process in 1985, this election is seem as the only way give an end to political instability and to give peace on relationships between people and government, that never were so weak on Brazil’s recent history.
About the Author : Fabrício Barbosa is a brazilian International Relationships student and Technician in brazilian law that has a strong interest on his country’s economy and policy (internal and external). He studies for the exam to brazilian diplomatic service and is specializing in Mercosur.