The end of history comes with the fall of communism. Francis Fukuyama states in The End of History and the Last Man that the end of the Cold War is ...

Biography Montesquieu studied Law near Paris and at the age of 25 he entered the Bordeaux Parliament as a councillor. Two years later, in 1716, he inherited his uncle’s fortune, ...

YoungDiplomats gives you the best quotes on politics ! Politics is a complicated thing. Nevertheless, some people are pretty good at finding the exact word to sum up a specific ...

At the end of the nineteenth century, Friedrich Ratzel totally renewed geography and geopolitical analysis. This thinker draws a comparison between nature and environment on one side, and States and ...

Much more influential than Samuel Huntington, Zbigniew Kazimierz Brzeziński (ZKB) has taken up some of his theses, reformulating them from reference bases acceptable to the various trends of the US ...

Idriss Zackaria, the Director of YoungDiplomats Africa has been interviewed on the topic of sport and diplomacy. Idriss is one of the founder and prominent members of YoungDiplomats ! 1- ...

Claude Coasguen, a prominent deputee in the French Parliament was interviewed by Young Diplomats, in the Academic College of Netanya. The Acamedic College of Netanya is one of the leading ...

In his books, Admiral Mahan tried to explain the origins of the British power. He claimed to find the answer in Britain’s acquisition of maritime supremacy. At the same time, ...

Chadian Foreign Minister Cherif Mahamt Zen’s exclusive interview with Young Diplomats Young Diplomats’ Africa Regional Director, Idriss Zackaria, conducted an exclusive interview last week with Chad’s Minister of Foreign Affairs ...

Manuel Alcántara Sáez is professor at the University of Salamanca (Spain) and a founding member of FLACSO-Spain. Bachelor in Political Science and Sociology (1976) and Ph.D. in Political Science (1984) ...