At this time last year, a string of leaderless resistance-style attacks by grassroots jihadists in the West was making people very nervous. And their concern was understandable: In late October ...
Nov. 6 Syria Rebels from the Free Syrian Army and from various Islamist groups recently defeated an offensive conducted by loyalist forces backed by Iran and Russia in Hama province. ...
Jordan: Military Officer Kills Americans, South African At Training Center A Jordanian military officer shot and killed two Americans and a South African before security forces shot and killed him ...
Analysis Though many mysteries still surround the recent crash of a Russian airliner over the Sinai Peninsula, some explanations of what happened are more likely to be true than others. ...
Dana Chocron is a specialist of Middle East political landscapes. She is specialized in the Levant. She holds a BA in Government,Security and Diplomacy from the prestigious school of IDC. ...
The caliphate faces an enemy more deadly than the bombs being dropped upon it. It has not been able to construct a viable economy to provide all of the necessities ...
Analysis: Twenty-five percent of the Palestinian economy is dependent on Israel . Without the commercial ties with Israel, the Economy of the West Bank would collapse , and West Bank ...
Recent news has renewed interest in Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Mufti of Jerusalem and founder of Palestinian nationalism, and has also shined a spotlight on the ties between Palestinian nationalism and Nazism. ...
For the first time in a decade, the idea of generalised strikes, riots, protests, and violence escalating to “intifada” proportions looks entirely plausible. Escalation by Israel, and Hamas in Gaza, ...