Jimmy Carter is often portrayed by modern American Progressives as a man who championed peace and human rights. Indeed, since he left office in 1981, he has been involved in ...
In foreign policy, every state has a duty to ensure the security of its people and its territory. In addition to this eternal objective, a world power like the United ...
Though the end of cold war has reduced the military expenditure drastically, a few nations such as the US continued to retain the higher level of expenditure on its military ...
YoungDiplomats decided to publish an interview of Roland Lombardi specialist on the Middle-East. Columnist: Donald Trump announced that the United States would withdraw from Syria. Russia will therefore be the ...
President Trump’s announcement that the United States will withdraw its forces from Syria comes at a critical moment for the region, as the different actors involved in the war prepare ...
On Tuesday 4th of December, Mike Pompeo the U.S Secretary of State, visited the headquarter of NATO in Brussels. There, he brilliantly formulated what a ” Trump doctrine ” could ...
Chinese President Xi Jinping and Vice President Mike Pence traded barbs at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in Papua New Guinea on Saturday, with each laying the blame for the ...
The United States is doubtlessly the first world super power and what happens inside the U.S is widely observed by the whole world. On the six of November, the U.S ...
Introduction The U.S is among the early countries to have established diplomatic relationships with Pakistan. Relationship dates back to October 20, 1947, it can be extrapolated that the relations have ...