Fleeing War, Fighting for Survival: Chadian Returnees Face New StrugglesGoré— Following the last outbreak of civil wars in the Central African Republic (CAR) in 2013; thousands of Chadians living in ...
lake and mountain

The whole world seems to be in a stand still due the Coronavirus outbreak. Hopefully we will win the fight against the invisible enemy. But believe me, no vaccine or ...

Poisons have been a weapon of choice for many since the dawn of mankind. Their subtleness and deadliness provided the perfect mix of stealth and lethality that has market virtually ...

MongoDB is one of the globe’s most widely-sought after NoSQL object-oriented databases. However, like all databases, it has specific areas where it booms and others where it falters. Should you ...

On August 13, 2020, Israel and the United Arab Emirates agreed to normalize diplomatic relations. The general agreement was as follows: The United Arab Emirates will formally recognize Israel, in ...

Since the 1980’s Chili used to keep the same constitution as during the era of Pinochet, and today, is a huge change happening in the country. The 25th of October, ...

Politics is a pretty inaccurate area. It would certainly be a mistake calling it science, since there are no generally acknowledged and accepted system of facts, or formulas that would ...