It is relatively calm in Jerusalem a week after Donald Trump’s recognition triggered a wave of protests and even prompted Hamas to announce intifada, political analyst Avigdor Eskin has told Sputnik News (Russia) . Eskin threw into doubt the possibility that Trump’s move would ignite a new war in the Middle East, praising Russia’s peace efforts in the region.
The views and opinions expressed by Avigdor Eskin, Ekaterina Blinova are those of the contributors and do not necessarily reflect those of Young Diplomats.
US President Donald Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel “will contribute to peace and stability” in the region, while there is nothing in the city’s air resembling the beginning of the third intifada, Israeli political analyst and publicist Avigdor Eskin, told Sputnik.
“All the people of Israel welcome the declaration of Trump,” Eskin said. “The historic connection of the Jewish people to Jerusalem is beyond any doubt. The facts of life are as follows: Jerusalem is a capital of Israel since 1948, all major government institutions are located there and all important political meetings are taking place in Jerusalem.”
Trump and Jerusalem
When asked his opinion of what is behind the US president’s announcement which came six days before the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah, commemorating the rededication of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem in the 2nd century, Eskin opined that “this decision reflects [Trump’s] own convictions and his strategy of management.”
“First, [Trump] is convinced that Jerusalem is the capital of the Jewish state since [the times] of King David and this reflects the feelings of all his closest friends and allies,” the Israeli publicist underscored. “He also wants to demonstrate a change: [former US president Barack] Obama had encouraged the radical Muslim Spring [Arab Spring]. Siding with Israel and other positive forces in the Middle East, Trump also wants to demonstrate that he keeps his promises and respects his allies.”

However, the political commentator expressed doubts that many countries will follow in the US’ footsteps in the near future. “This is not our priority, to be honest,” the Jerusalem-based publicist highlighted. “While the recognition of the US was an important strategic goal, we feel fine with the rest having embassies in Tel-Aviv.”
Eskin stressed that Jerusalem “is a holy city and not everybody should dwell here.” As for Trump, the US president is likely “to move the embassy soon, because he sticks to his word.”
Commenting on a two-state solution for the Israelis and the Palestinians, Eskin noted that while “Trump is accused of having lain to rest the idea of a two-state solution” the concept “never had a chance to work.”
“Two nations are intermixed on the territory of 28 thousand square km. One cannot expect over a million Arab citizens of Israel to move from there to what could be Palestine, and nobody will move half a million of the Israelis who are called ‘settlers’ and live on the territories which Israel controls since 1967,” he suggested.

There is Nothing Remotely Resembling the Third Intifada in Jerusalem
Meanwhile, Hamas, the Islamist movement, has announced the beginning of the third intifada [“rebellion”] a few days after Trump’s Jerusalem move. Last week the Palestinians held demonstrations in several cities across the disputed territories dubbing the action the “day of rage.”
“Protests will continue in the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and Jerusalem. Because we protest against the US recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, as we consider it the capital of Palestine. We hope that the protests will develop further and further,” the movement’s press secretary told RIA Novosti on December 12.
However, according to Eskin, no major protests have erupted since then: “There is no intifada here since the beginning of the week — no demonstrations and riots, despite the efforts of liberal press to provoke it,” the political commentator noted, adding that “the inflammatory rhetoric is typical for [the Middle Eastern] region.”

Referring to the First and the Second Intifada of 1987-1991 and 2000-2005 which left thousands of Israelis and Palestinians dead, the commentator recalled that Israel has faced the attempts of destructions since the foundation of the Jewish state.
“There were several wars of different kind but with the same result: Israel has won all the wars,” Eskin said. “Israel must also keep deep gratitude towards Russia for having exterminated tens of thousands of radical terrorists near our border.”
Russia and Trump’s Efforts Diminished the Possibility of New War in Mid-East
When asked whether there is the possibility of a new major war in the Middle East, inflamed by the recognition of Jerusalem, the publicist said: “If there were some chances for a new war, they were diminished by Trump’s policies and Russian policies as well. Israel is stronger than ever and does not fear any aggression.”
He cited the fact that currently “Israel has better relations with the Arab world than ever before.”
So, does Trump’s move push the Middle East to the brink of collapse? Unlikely, Eskin believes.
“The situation here is not serene but calm unlike in the neighboring countries where tens of thousands of people are being killed,” the Israeli commentator responded.
According to Eskin, Trump made a declaration which will benefit not only him but also the whole region. “He did stop all forms of support to radical [Islamist] groups which were assisted by the CIA during the time of previous administration,” he underscored.
The Israeli commentator reiterated that “the relative tranquility [in Israel] today is a result of Russian peace efforts in the region.”
The views and opinions expressed by Avigdor Eskin, Ekaterina Blinova are those of the contributors and do not necessarily reflect those of Young Diplomats.