The explanations of weapon trades are difficult and sensitive to understand due to the secretly cover of the trade actions but today in the world according to UN recorded reports more than “550 million” piece of weapons exist across the ...
YoungDiplomats already published an article on the Defense of Europe more than a year ago( Sunday 11th of November marked the 100th birthday of the end of the first world war, commonly known as the Great War. Emmanuel Macron, the ...
Special forces, or special operations forces are military units extremely trained to perform unconventional, typically insecure missions for a nation’s political, economic or military purposes. The origin of Special Forces dates back to the early twentieth century, with fighting models ...
Armies are considered an important part of a country and its security. Every year, a large fortune is allocated out of the budget for fighting battles. Countries take special initiatives to strengthen themselves militarily. If we try to compare the ...
Which countries have the strongest Military in Africa in 2017? African countries have been seriously challenged in 2016 with increasing terrorist activity (AQMI,Al-Shabab,ISIS,Boko Haram..) and more and more civil unrest (Central African Republic, Libya..). Things have changed a lot in ...
Groucho Marx famously quoted in 1954 on a radio show; ‘speak when you are angry—and you will make the best speech you’ll ever regret’. Looking at society today in the United States with the rise in violence and discontent it ...
Cold Start doctrine of Indian Army poses a threat to peace of subcontinent. The doctrine is intended Indian forces to cross the Pakistani border if Islamist militant interring Indian territories from the soil of Pakistan and attacks India. Recently, Indian Army ...
Pakistan has reinstated the military courts which were expired on 07 January 2017. The military courts were established after Peshawar massacre to punish terrorists. The military courts would try civilian suspects of terrorism. The military courts in Pakistan are not ...
Summary China’s already formidable military may be about to get an overhaul. With Chinese President Xi Jinping reportedly set to unveil what the media is calling the most sweeping set of military reforms since the mid-1980s, one of the most ...