N’Djamena—Young Diplomats held a half-day seminar in Chad, entitled “Food Security and Peace Building in the Sahel Region.” The purpose of the seminar was to assess the chronic food insecurity in the region, the current and future food security situation ...
An introduction The African continent has been known throughout its history that its peoples are dominated by the agricultural and pastoral life, and that the climate greatly affects their lives, and with the climate changes that the entire world is ...
In 1989, the Velvet Revolution has ended 30 years of the communist regime in Czechoslovakia. Not many know, that the political demonstrations have started with environmental protests. Unlike many countries behind the iron curtain, Czechoslovakia (now two independent countries – ...
The result of COP 25 in Madrid two months ago has given a broad understanding of climate change politics. The stories of climate change itself made up of the scientific fact that the consequence of our development since the Industrial ...
Biography Montesquieu studied Law near Paris and at the age of 25 he entered the Bordeaux Parliament as a councillor. Two years later, in 1716, he inherited his uncle’s fortune, and one of the most prestigious offices in Parliament. But ...
Couple weeks ago, protest has been happened in France as a result of Macron energy policy. The President has made a call to raise fuel tax. The policy is in line with France commitment to reduce global warming. As we ...
The main theme for Europe in the fourth quarter will be a recurring one: fragmentation. Indeed, the next three months will bring political and even territorial fragmentation to the Continent. The European Union will be dealing with three main issues, ...