In the year 2014, the BJP sat in the Parliament with a un-precedented thumping majority, while the opposition was whittled down to being insignificant. The former Chief Minister of Gujarat and now the Prime Minister of the largest democracy roared ...
How did Lybia get there ? Libya’s institutions, divisions and power structures are incredibly nuanced, but here is a broad view of the situation. After the Arab Spring uprisings and the subsequent fall of Muammar Gaddafi in 2011, Libya was ...
North Korea had a couple of talks with the Trump administration but unfortunately all the attempts made from Trump’s side went futile. Trump wanted Kim to stop North Korea’s Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) programme, but the recent satellite images have ...
Moscow is “deploying nuclear-capable missiles in Europe with very short warning times,” the head of the alliance also warned. NATO commanders are considering options in the “military domain” to counter Russia’s alleged violation of a nuclear weapons treaty, the head ...
Hobbes once wrote that ” Man is a wolf to man “. This English philosopher stresses an eternal truth : men will never live in a peaceful world. They have fought the one with the other. Athenians and Spartans used ...
It may not seem like it with the news from Syria, Libya, Ukraine, Yemen, Cameroon, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, but 2018 may be remembered as a year of peace. The two Koreas have entered a period of ...
Wars and global warming are not often the subject of common reflection. However, today the issue of environmental problems of armed conflicts is at the center of more and more scientific and academic studies. Aid to the people remains a ...
Yemen’s situation is one of the worse situations the world has known for the past decades. Recently highlighted by the international community, this war started in 2014.. The UN is now talking about resolutions in order to find solutions. This ...
Ukraine’s parliament has backed a presidential plan to impose martial law in part of the country after Russia captured three of its naval vessels and 23 crew members on Sunday. President Petro Poroshenko said the 30-day order would affect border ...
In this section, YoungDiplomats intends to explain how thinkers are paramount to understand world politics. The last writer we’ve studied was Sun-Tzu. Today we’re gonna get closer of us with Carl Von Clausewitz. In his main book, Of War, published in ...