This article is the second part of This first article focused on general aspects of Russian foreign policy. The article you’re about to read elaborates ten axes that Russia should follow in terms of foreign policy.
The internal situation of the country after 1990 has effected on the Russia foreign policy mainstreams and directions with abroad. Somehow Russia focuses and goals concentrated on the question of reversion glory. With that view Russia should come back to the former delusions’ grandeur of Soviet Union and meanwhile starting the process to gain some new goals to take the road of globalization (free trade, free market, and privatization of economy).
Gradually the Russian officials started to adopt the policy of affinity with the directions of international politics and globalized waves and also the new trade and economic equations charged with free trade bargain. It was the common point between Washington and Moscow to confront the phenomenon of terrorism as a globalized shocker and in that context, Russia regionally and internationally has been serving the national security of itself and global security as well. On the multi-levels military, politically and economically Moscow wanted to access the superior national goals and interests at present and future.
Generally, here we can mention the most priority agendas in Russia foreign policy after the collapse of the Soviet Union until now:-
- Avoiding Moscow from any nuclear weapons war involvement and world war.
- Seeking for new alliances regionally and internationally by the political and military and economic mechanisms to return on its former position as a world polar and taking responsibility of global documents particularly in central Asia, Middle East, Eastern Europe, Africa content and the new conflicts in South America.
- The provisions of understandable and mutualism relations and also taking step towards the advanced and democratic countries.
- Russia opens its box out with the global economy moves and industrial groups.
- Vitalized of Russia economy and improvement of social ailments.
- Stabilization of democratic institutions internally.
- Struggling to raise the Russian power and presence in the areas of the former Soviet Union again.
- Attempting to prevent the outbreak of military and political conflicts in strategic soviet circles particularly in central Asia in order to lose these areas will become the huge obstacle to destroy the Russian delusion grandeur to introduce itself as world polar.
- Holding the collaboration principles between the Russia and western states and also putting the understandable principles instead of avoidance and hostility principles despite the Russia formal notification because of the proliferation of nuclear caps near the Russia borders will enforce Moscow to deploy missiles towards western states.
- Considering the Middle East region as a center for Russia strategies economically, politically and militarily in order to take over the wealthy region which possesses the rich materials and properties despite the importance of Middle East geopolitically and geo-strategically.