As you know, one of the purposes of YoungDiplomats is to create and spread knowledge on geopolitics, international reations and war studies. How? Articles is only a minor part of YoungDiplomats. We are building a social network around YoungDiplomats activities. Then YD is about to plan several events worldwide. Here are recaps of our activities !
During a conference, we have the ability to dispense information and knowledges on a specific topics. YoungDiplomats organized its first Paris conference on Kurdistan and we made several other conferences in T’chad.

We also made several simulations on how could international community solve issues such as the Syrian conflict. These can be tests to challenge your oral skills and you can also understand how hard are international negotiations when it comes to high stakes conflicts !

YoungDiplomats interviewed dozens of political personnalities worldwide. Above, you can see Gentiana Fana and Harriett Lee Thomas former U.S ambassador in Turkey. Those interviews are a chance to meet real actors of international relations ! YoungDiplomats will interview the former president of France by December !
At the beginning YoungDiplomats aimed to deliver knowledge thanks to a website. Now we are much more. With conferences, debates, interviews and simulation we have the ability to become a worldwide organization of geopolitics.